
Posts Tagged ‘worry’

How many of us have stress these days? I know my hand is stretched sky-high! We all worry about bills to be paid, if we are saving enough for college,retirement,a new car. Many stresses and worries come from us second guessing ourselves and the choices we made in the past. The past can be yesterday, a month ago,five years ago…..But the irony is, we can’t go back and change those decisions and actions that we made! And in a twisted sort of symbiotic relationship, these past worries and stresses interconnect with the future. Am I saving enough? Will I be glad I made this choice at some point in the future? I have recently decided that I (we) feel that stress and worry because I (we) feel a lack of control. Since I cannot go back and change the past, I need to stop living with the hope of a better past! Likewise, I will not submit myself to needless anxiety over the future. This is not to say that we need to be reckless, but rather more mindful of the choices and decisions we make today. I have control over how I live my life today. And so I take a deep breath and let go and realize that if I learned from past mistakes, then I can make better decisions today….and learning a lesson–no matter what kind or how big or small–is always a positive!

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